Image credit — Matthew Cawrey

Axis Social Works: For The Love of Labour

Physical, Mental and Emotional Labour

What does the Culture of Work in Social Practice say about how we value each other and the Labour performed- paid, unpaid and emotional?

An invitation to the lone worker to share a place at a table with others, lay the table with transparency and plan how we’d like to live, work, grow, overcome struggle and co-inhabit the culture of work.

This event is born out of conversations that have begun through the ‘Social Practice Social’ – an informal group of artists, facilitators and independent curators who have been meeting up in Nottingham to share experiences.  Our conversations have raised some of the challenges that freelance artists working in the field of social practice face in terms of working conditions – including isolation, precarity, unpaid labour and emotional labour.

Made possible by Axis – Social Work Grant and hosted by Primary

The Event was devised and delivered with Becky Beinart and Gina Mollett